Benefits of Using Sandalwood oil in Your Spiritual Practice

raising higher consciousness with sandalwood

Sandalwood essential oil has long been revered for its spiritual properties and is often used in spiritual and religious practices around the world. Its unique, woody aroma is believed to have a calming and grounding effect on the mind, making it an ideal choice for meditation and prayer. But the spiritual benefits of sandalwood essential oil go far beyond its soothing scent. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the ways that sandalwood oil can enhance your spiritual practice and help you connect with your higher self.

promotes relaxation

One of the most well-known spiritual benefits of sandalwood oil is its ability to promote relaxation. The oil's calming properties make it an excellent choice for meditation, as it can help to quiet the mind and bring a sense of inner peace. This can be especially helpful for those who struggle with anxiety or find it difficult to focus during meditation. Because of its ability to promote feelings of calm and tranquility, Sandalwood is an excellent choice for those who struggle with anxiety or stress. It is also believed to have mood-elevating properties, making it a useful tool for those who are dealing with feelings of sadness or depression*.

anchor you in the present moment

In addition to its calming effects, sandalwood oil is also believed to have grounding properties that can help to anchor you in the present moment and bring a sense of balance and clarity to your thoughts and emotions. This can be especially helpful for those who tend to get caught up in their own thoughts and emotions, as it can help to bring a sense of perspective and clarity to your inner world.

connect with your higher self

Sandalwood oil is its ability to help you connect with your higher self. The oil is believed to have a spiritual vibration that can help to open the crown chakra and promote a deeper connection with your inner wisdom and spiritual guidance. This can be especially helpful for those who are seeking guidance or direction in their lives, as it can help to bring a sense of clarity and purpose to your journey.


Bathtisma Surrender Bath Soak of Sandalwood + Lavender

additional Benefits of Sandalwood oil

In addition to its spiritual properties, sandalwood oil is also believed to have a number of physical benefits.

Great for Skin

The oil is often used to promote healthy skin, as it is believed to have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also thought to have antibacterial properties, making it an excellent choice for those who are prone to acne or other skin conditions.

Respiritory Health

Sandalwood oil can also be used to promote respiratory health, as it is believed to have expectorant properties that can help to clear the respiratory tract and promote easy breathing. It is also thought to have antispasmodic properties, which can be helpful for those who suffer from asthma or other respiratory conditions.

In addition to its physical benefits, sandalwood oil is also believed to have a number of emotional benefits. The oil is often used to promote feelings of calm and tranquility, making it an excellent choice for those who struggle with anxiety or stress. It is also believed to have mood-elevating properties, making it a useful tool for those who are dealing with feelings of sadness or depression*.

Whether you're using Sandalwood for its physical, emotional, or spiritual benefits, Sandalwood is a powerful and versatile tool that is sure to enrich your spiritual journey.


*Bathtisma does not claim that our products cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent depression and other mental health disorders. Be sure to talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional if you are struggling with mental health.

Try a guided meditation

Designed to complement your Bathtisma “Surrender” Ritual Bath, certified meditation coach, Nikki Brooks, of Monarch Mindfulness, guides you toward surrendering what no longer serves you, allowing what IS and what SHALL BE.


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Gina Payne

Gina Payne is the Founder of Bathtisma. As a Seeker, she is continuously searching, finding, and evolving toward her true Self. At mid-life Gina stepped away from her successful corporate career in workplace consulting to pursue Bathtisma; the passion project that continues to evolve out of her own journey of Self re-discovery, growth, and spiritual awakening.


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