what people are saying

Read the stories that go beyond simple product reviews. We’ve gathered stories and comments that our customers have shared with us over the phone, in email submissions, or on social media.

Ready to Create Your Bathtism™?

bath soaks

Formulated for Ritual Bathing

Our bath soaks are formulated to bring physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of natural salt and plant essential oils to your water meditation practice. Immerse Yourself and unleash the power of Nature and the Divine, shift your state of being, and find inner peace.

featured testimonial

“When I left my bath, I felt a calm in my heart that I hadn't felt in a while.”

My second child had just "left the nest" and I was a bit of an emotional headcase; I could swear I could feel my heart breaking. I ordered the Bathtisma Balanced bath soak and guided meditation and scheduled an evening for some self-care. As I poured the salts into the bath water, the scents immediately helped me bring my breath into focus. The guided meditation helped me focus on what being balanced meant and felt like. When I left my bath, I felt a calm in my heart that I hadn't felt in a while. It was a beautiful ending to a much-needed self- care moment. Thank you Bathtisma!

-JoAnn C, Petaluma, CA

care to share a personal story?

We want to hear about your Bathtism™!

Submit your story about how Bathtisma supported a transformation in your life, big or small. And be sure to let us know if we can share your story online or on social media. We include the first name and last initial of your name when publishing, so let us know if you wish to remain anonymous!