Benefits of Using Rose Essential Oil in Your Spiritual Practice

Close up of White Rose in a bundle of pink roses

intoxicating rose

Rose essential oil has been used for centuries in spiritual practices and rituals due to its powerful, uplifting, and calming properties. Its rich, warm, deeply floral scent profile is deeply comforting and intoxicating. Rose is often used to enhance meditation to promote feelings of love, compassion, and self-worth.

“Since the earth first yielded herself and became fertile, the wild rose and the myriad of her cultivated offspring to follow, have born witness to the complexity of human life--soothing our souls, elevating our spirit, and marking rites of passage. Speaking to the proud as well as the humble, white roses are the very essence of purity, innocence and light; they also crown the victor and pay homage to the martyr. They have symbolized royal blood and nations. Above all rose is love in all its heavenly and earthy tones. The white rose represents the Virgin Mary known as the Mystical Rose of Heaven, is sacred to Venus (it is said all roses were white until Venus pricked herself and drew blood, bringing red roses into the world) and celebrated by artists. Famously Botticelli depicted Zephyr gently drying Venus as she is birthed from the ocean, with warm breath scented with roses”.

“The idea of sub rosa (under the rose) is an alchemical concept involving the entire process of psychic transformation that occurs in the silence of self-containment, as silence is required to enter the womb or ‘rose,’ and within these hallowed folded petals the Self is secretly conceived.”

“Let us not forget we can use the rose to show love and affection to another, in the Victorian era, suitors sent bouquets of white roses to those they intended on pursuing to signify the beginning of a courtship. Perhaps the white rose herself allowed each individual’s heart to warm and open and be ready to enter into courtship, seeking pure love”. (1, Covington)

Promotes feelings of love and compassion

Rose essential oil is often associated with the heart chakra, which is related to love, compassion, and understanding. The heart chakra bridges the lower and upper chakras. It is the center of compassionate consciousness and Divine love. It is the cornerstone for relational connectedness. When a person’s heart chakra is balanced, they are kind and empathetic, loving, and nurturing. Use rose essential oil in meditation to help open the heart chakra and promote feelings of love and compassion towards oneself and others.

Enhances meditation

The calming and uplifting properties of rose essential oil can make it an ideal addition to any meditation practice. It can help to quiet the mind and bring a sense of peace and clarity, making it easier to focus on the present moment and connect with one's inner self. Rose is a nice oil to use if you need to lift feelings of depression* or low mood.

Increases self-worth and confidence

Rose essential oil can also help to boost self-worth and confidence by promoting feelings of self-love and acceptance. When used during meditation or as a daily self-care ritual, it can help to cultivate a sense of inner peace and self-acceptance, which can in turn lead to increased confidence and self-worth.

Helps to release negative emotions

Rose essential oil can be particularly helpful in releasing negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness. Its calming and uplifting properties can help to bring a sense of balance and harmony to the mind and body, allowing for the release of negative emotions and the cultivation of positive ones. Rose a good oil for promoting forgiveness for yourself and others.

Brings a sense of inner peace

The uplifting and calming properties of rose essential oil can help to bring a sense of inner peace and balance. When used in meditation or as part of a daily self-care routine, it can help to calm the mind and bring a sense of inner peace, which can be particularly helpful in times of stress or uncertainty.

Promotes feelings of gratitude

Rose essential oil can also promote feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the present moment. Its uplifting and calming properties can help to bring a sense of perspective and appreciation for the present moment, which can in turn lead to feelings of gratitude. Practicing gratitude has tremendous effects on emotional and physical well-being, including rewiring the mind to be more positive resulting in decreased stress, lowered blood pressure and improved immune function.


Bathtisma Loving Bath Soak of Rose + Patchouli

simple ways to use Rose oil in your spiritual practice


To use rose essential oil in your spiritual practice, you can add a few drops to a diffuser or mix it with a carrier oil and apply it to your pulse points or simply inhale the oil directly from the bottle. Alternatively, you can add a few drops to a handkerchief and inhale as needed throughout the day.

intentional jewelry

If you wear intentional jewelry, try anointing your favorite piece of rose quartz jewelry!

Candice Covington of Divine Archetypes, shares her intentional jewelry ritual in a related blog post, Ritual Anointing Practices with Rose.

In the Bath

You can also add a few drops to your bath water for a relaxing and rejuvenating soak.

additional Benefits of Rose oil

While rose essential oil has a wide range of spiritual benefits, it has a number of physical benefits as well. It is known for its skin-loving properties and is often used in skincare products to soothe and nourish the skin. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it helpful in reducing redness and promoting a healthy, radiant complexion.

Whether used in a spiritual practice or as part of a daily self-care routine, rose essential oil can be a powerful tool for promoting emotional and spiritual well-being.


1, © Candice Covington

*Bathtisma does not claim that our products cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent depression and other mental health disorders. Be sure to talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional if you are struggling with mental health.

Try a Guided Meditation

Designed to complement your Bathtisma “Loving” Ritual Bath, certified meditation coach, Nikki Brooks, of Monarch Mindfulness, guides you toward loving acceptance of yourself and others.


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Gina Payne and Candice Covington

Gina is the Founder of Bathtisma. Candice Covington is an Author, Healer, and Founder of Divine Archetypes.


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