Benefits of Using Patchouli oil in Your Spiritual Practice

powerful and grounding

Patchouli oil is a type of essential oil that is derived from the leaves of the patchouli plant, which is native to tropical regions of Asia. It is known for its rich, musky aroma and has been used for centuries in spiritual practices and rituals due to its powerful, grounding properties.

Here are some of the spiritual benefits of using patchouli oil:

Increases feelings of grounding and connection

Patchouli oil is often associated with the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and is related to stability, security, and grounding. The root chakra governs our sense of safety and stability in the world, and when it is balanced, we feel secure and grounded. However, when the root chakra is blocked, we may experience feelings of anxiety, fear, and instability. When used in meditation or as part of a spiritual practice, Patchouli can help to bring a sense of connection to the earth and a feeling of being grounded and centered.

Promotes feelings of calm and relaxation

Patchouli has a rich, earthy scent, and is believed to help calm the mind and body. It is also said to improve concentration, making it a popular oil for meditation and yoga practices. Patchouli oil is known for its calming and relaxing properties, making it an ideal addition to any meditation or yoga practice. It can help to quiet the mind and bring a sense of inner peace and balance, making it easier to focus on the present moment and connect with one's inner self.

Enhances mindfulness and concentration

The grounding and centering properties of patchouli oil can also make it helpful in enhancing mindfulness and concentration. It can help to bring a sense of clarity and focus to the mind, making it easier to stay present and focused on the task at hand.

Helps to reduce stress and anxiety

In addition to its calming properties, patchouli oil is also believed to have a relaxing effect on the body, making it helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. When used in aromatherapy or as part of a daily self-care routine, it can help to bring a sense of relaxation and calm to the mind and body.

Helps to release negative emotions

Patchouli oil can be particularly helpful in releasing negative emotions such as anger, fear, and sadness. Its grounding and calming properties can help to bring a sense of balance and harmony to the mind and body, allowing for the release of negative emotions and the cultivation of positive ones.

Enhances spiritual connection

Patchouli oil is also believed to have spiritual properties and is often used to enhance spiritual connection and understanding. When used in meditation or as part of a spiritual practice, it can help to open the mind and heart to higher states of consciousness and spiritual understanding.


Bathtisma Loving Bath Soak of Rose + Patchouli

additional Benefits of patchouli oil

Patchouli oil has a number of physical benefits as well. It is known for its skin-loving properties and is often used in skincare products to soothe and nourish the skin. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, making it helpful in reducing redness and promoting healthy, clear skin.

In addition to its use in aromatherapy and chakra balancing, patchouli oil has many other benefits. It is a natural insect repellent and has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is also used in perfumes and soaps, as well as in traditional medicine for various skin conditions.

patchouli and rose blend

The combination of Rose and Patchouli essential oils can provide a wide range of spiritual benefits, including promoting feelings of love and compassion, increasing sexual desire, enhancing meditation and yoga, increasing self-worth and confidence, releasing negative emotions, and promoting feelings of gratitude.

Together, they are also known for their skin-loving properties and have a number of physical benefits as well. Whether used in a spiritual practice or as part of a daily self-care routine, rose and patchouli essential oils can be a powerful tool for promoting emotional and spiritual well-being.

Scent Profile

Our Loving Bath Soak blend was formulated to bring about all the beneficial aspects of both Rose and Patchouli. Our blend has pleasant floral top notes of rose but is grounded with the earthiness of Patchouli so that the overall scent profile is not explicitly feminine or overpowering.


*Bathtisma does not claim that our products cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent depression and other mental health disorders. Be sure to talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional if you are struggling with mental health.

Try a Guided Meditation

Designed to complement your Bathtisma “Loving” Ritual Bath, certified meditation coach, Nikki Brooks, of Monarch Mindfulness, guides you toward loving acceptance of yourself and others.


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Gina Payne

Gina Payne is the Founder of Bathtisma. As a Seeker, she is continuously searching, finding, and evolving toward her true Self. At mid-life Gina stepped away from her successful corporate career in workplace consulting to pursue Bathtisma; the passion project that continues to evolve out of her own journey of Self re-discovery, growth, and spiritual awakening.


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